Are you a Classic Rose Bouquet with a hint of Wildflower Garden? Or maybe you’re a full-blown Tropical Paradise Bouquet? To find out, you’re going to need a pen and paper (or the notes app on your phone) to write out numbers 1 through 9. For each of the nine...
Language is constantly evolving. This means that the way we communicate with those we love is constantly changing too. Our grandparents had love letters to keep in touch with their significant others .. Carefully penned in cursive and stamped with a lipstick kiss. Today our vernacular with messaging is so...
As the end of another decade is upon us we can’t help but feel nostalgic about some of our favorite bouquet trends in the previous decades. Bouquets for weddings were originally used in the renaissance to mask the smell and add color to the celebration. During the Victorian age, select...
We all love a glimpse of nostalgia, don’t we? Flashing back to a special moment in our lives, reliving the memories that we share with the people we love. Some moments we swear we’ll never forget, but life continues to move forward, causing those special moments to pass further and...
This month, in celebration of Veterans Day on November 11, we’re spotlighting our “framing superhero” and beloved veteran, Charlie Davis. Besides hand-building all of our custom Keepsake shadow boxes and frames, Charlie lives an eventful life outside of the workshop, always with a smile on his face and a quick-witted...
Before Keepsake Floral became the company that we know and love today, it started as a one-woman operation in the back of the Hollifield family home. Keepsake Floral has grown over the following years, gaining coworkers and clients, including our exclusive partnership with Walt Disney World Fairy Tale Weddings. Now...
Check out the Sympathy Gallery When most people think of flower preservation, they think of pressed flowers from some fantastical excursion or the dried wedding bouquet hanging in a relative’s living room. True to form, most of the clients we receive at Keepsake Floral are brides looking to preserve a...
About Abby Abby’s parents and younger brother live in Winter Park, Florida, where she grew up. With both parents being artists, attending art classes, and doodling through school, Abby eventually found herself taking lessons from her current Keepsake coworker Lori Sanchez. Following that path, Abby started college focusing on a...
About Gabi Although not a Florida native, Gabi has the unique experience of joining the Keepsake team at just 15 years old. Beginning her time with Keepsake as a summer job, Gabi has stayed with us as a designer for seven years. The resume that qualifies her as one of...
Keepsake Floral provides a unique service in preserving special occasion flowers. Over our twenty-five years in business, we have created tens of thousands of keepsakes. 2019 also marks our 19th year as the exclusive preservation partner for Walt Disney World’s Fairy Tale Weddings. However, we know that what might work...
According to Pantone, the color of 2018 was Ultra Violet, and we saw quite a few bouquets sampling this color and a few of its neighboring shades. There were also some lavenders, indigos, magentas, and fuchsias. Let’s look back at how some of these colors were incorporated into bridal bouquets...
Brita’s journey to Keepsake Floral began in Leeds, England. Following this, she spent a few years working on a cruise ship, traveling the world, and meeting wonderful new people. In fact, Brita met her husband while working on a cruise line and they settled down in Orlando, Florida together to...
Keepsake Floral, Inc.
311 Circle Drive
Maitland, FL 32751
800-616-KEEP (5337)
Local: 407-898-5992
Fax: 407-898-8656
Our administrative office is open Monday-Thursday: 9am-3pm EST and Friday: 9am-Noon EST. The office is closed most major holidays.
Please call prior to dropping off or picking up floral arrangements.